Contact Persons and Lines of Communication

The organisational nature of the LSAP might be described as synodal and non-hierarchical. It is designed to be as easy as possible for all people to participate and ‘walk together’, whether they be an individual, a family, a parish, a small group, a diocese, a religious community, or a large national organisation. Thus, between the Dicastery and the user, there is no mandated ‘middle manager’ or ‘gate keeper’ that controls (or can stand in the way of) enrolments. This is a great strength.

It also means that there is no official or mandated ‘LSAP contact person’ for Religious in Australia.

We are blessed to have Adele Howard RSM on one of the international working parties of the Dicastery, giving input into their decisions and content. However, Adele has advised that she is not a national contact person as such. She is, of course, an excellent source of information and advice and has already been a great help to CRA.

Given that it can be helpful to have a day to day ‘go to’ person along the journey, the CRA Secretariat is willing to do what it can to assist Religious in navigating the LSAP website and in connecting Religious LSAP contact persons where that is deemed helpful and appropriate. If there are Religious who wish to assist with this task, especially in ‘walking with’ smaller congregations, we’d love to hear from you.

CRA Secretariat Contact:
Emma Carolan, Justice Officer (work days: Monday and Tuesday) 
Phone: 02 9557 2695