Be Adventurous


Walking in a group is an incentive to exercise, to meet other people, to discover the history of the city I live in, and to safely connect with the beauty of our National Parks and waterways.

Some of the themes around which walks can be created in Sydney include:

  • Nature walks in Royal National Park south of Sydney, and other National Parks.

  • Harbour walks which are very extensive

  • Coastal walks in multiple sections from Palm Beach to Cronulla

  • Historical walks in Sydney’s CBD – women pioneers, public buildings, convict creations

  • Architectural walks which focus on famous buildings in a small area such as Martin Place

  • Walks following an ethnic theme – Aboriginal presence, early Chinese settlers

In other cities in Australia, different themes could be devised.

To walk as a group of Sisters, Brothers and Priests (but with the openness to invite friends and family too) would be something I would very much appreciate. Perhaps three such groups could be formed, on the North Shore, in Western Sydney and one south of the Harbour.

If there are any Priests, Sisters or Brothers interested in creating such a group please contact Phillip Elwin at   Mobile: 0431 411 455.

There is most likely a Heart Foundation close to people wherever they live in Australia. See Heart Foundation Walking

Tai Chi
Tai Chi is an easy, gentle relaxing way of doing exercise at home or in your garden. The principles behind Tai Chi include disciplined relaxation, emptiness and fullness, balance and harmony, breathing and transition to name just a few helps towards a means of developing our spiritual development. This is the ancient Chinese way to bring life energy, balance and harmony into your life. The Tai Chi experience helps us to prepare our soul, our mind and our body for meditation and prayer. Tai Chi also helps to improve our health and to remove stress. It is a great way to prepare for meditation!

There are two short videos,

  • The first video talks through the movements, click here for Video 1.

  • The second video is with the movements and not talking, click here for Video 2.