Contemplation, an attitude of openness to God - new saint

Pope Francis last Sunday recognised 10 new saints of the Catholic Church during a canonisation Mass in St Peter’s Square. Among them was Dutch Carmelite priest, St Titus Brandsma, who, having been critical of the Nazi regime, was killed by lethal injection in Dachau concentration camp in 1942.

The Carmelites of Australia and Timor Leste prepared a range of resources to mark the canonisation, including a reflection on Titus’ belief in the importance of active contemplation.

One of the Catholic Church’s newest saints, St Titus Brandsma OCarm. Image: Website of Carmelites of Australia and Timor Leste/Design, Matthew Price.

“Some people think of contemplation as something done by strange people called the mystics,” the Carmelites say on their website.

“Yet, Carmelites understand contemplation as an attitude of openness to God, whose presence we discover in all things. As an attitude, it can permeate any dimension of our lives, no matter what our work is. Contemplation is for everybody!”

The reflection on St Titus and contemplation is available as an illustrated download from the Carmelites Australian website.

Living in the presence of God

Inspired by Elijah, “As the Lord lives in whose sight I stand”, Titus stressed the importance of living continually in the presence of God. Contemplative practice involves building an awareness of staying before the face of God throughout our day. Even in a life of intense activity, each of us can live in God’s presence.

Contemplation starts when we entrust ourselves to God, in whatever way God chooses to approach us. It is up to God, not up to us. It is his work in us. God is willing to touch and transform us to be like him. God wants to lead us to be united in love with him, so that we may live in his loving presence. This flow of divine love slowly and gradually changes us. It empties us of our limited and

imperfect human ways of thinking, loving, and behaving, transforming them into divine ways.


Contemplation transforms

Contemplation, then, is a dynamic element which unites our prayer, living in relationship with others and the reality of life and work.

With contemplation our prayer is no longer mere lip service, it becomes contemplative, as St Teresa of Avila says, “A close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with him who we know loves us.” Our relationships with our neighbours become contemplative as we are enabled

to see God in our sisters and brothers, with all their strengths and weaknesses, and to appreciate the mystery of those with whom we share our lives. This experience of contemplation in prayer and in community compels us to seek the face of God also in the heart of the world. This belief moves us to lend our hands to the ones who suffer and need help. This contemplation is what Titus Brandsma firmly believes in. He summarises Carmelite life as

complete dedication to contemplation; it should be interrupted only because of necessity – when there is need to go to people and speak to them of God. Only charity toward one’s neighbour or obedience can be reasons for leaving God for the sake of God.


Contemplation and others

God can be found in the places of worship. However, if we have to go and lend our hand to our brothers and sisters in need, we can find God there, too. Leaving God for the sake of God is a kind of mantra which helps us to be contemplative anywhere and anytime.

But how far did Titus go with this belief?

The answer is at the very end of his life. Fearlessly Titus fought the injustice the Nazis showed in the Netherlands. He defended the weak who were marginalized and suffered under Nazi oppression, stating bravely,

The Catholic Church does not make any differences regarding sex, race, and people!

The consequence of this attitude was his detention. When he was in Scheveningen prison, among loneliness and brutal cold, his contemplative eyes saw God. He then wrote a prayer:

For Thou, O Jesus, art with me

I have never been so close to You. Stay with me, with me, Jesus sweet,

Your presence makes all things good for me


Contemplation in darkness

In Dachau concentration camp, when he was beaten so severely, he sang Adoro Te Devote, a hymn contemplating the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Finally, to the agnostic nurse who would inject him with a lethal solution, he gave his simple rosary, encouraging her to pray the last phrase of Hail Mary, “Pray

for us sinners.” Titus saw in this agnostic nurse, his executioner, the presence of God. He was a truly contemplative person. 


We ask you, Lord,

St Titus Brandsma OCarm. Image: Carmelites of Australia and Tmor Leste/Design, Matthew Price.

that, in the imitation of Saint Titus Brandsma, we may know how to be close to you,

near to the cross, and that we may always feel you near to us in our crosses, both large and small,

as our Friend, our Companion on the journey, and our Redeemer.

May the cross always be for us a sign of love,

of generous and total surrender to the cause of life, of solidarity and compassion for all.

May we always say, in all the circumstances of life, with joy and full confidence in you…

Hail to the Cross, our only hope. Amen.

Mary, Mother of Carmel, pray for us. Titus Brandsma, Carmelite martyr, intercede for us.

To download the illustrated version of this resource, and other resources, prayer cards etc on St Titus Brandsma OCarm, visit the website of the Carmelites of Australia and Timor Leste.